Part 1:
Welcome to our web site
I will tell you the story about the life of my son Maurice.
As can see you he is a nice and happy boy but unfortunately very ill.
No-one can tell us what he has or what is wrong with him.
But to the beginning now………….
Maurice was born in January 1999. The pregnancy was problem free. But my weight
gain was only small. That had made me at first pensive. But three doctors had
said:" All is normal, you and baby are totally healthy. The baby is 50 - 53
centimetre, 3000 gram or more………".
Then came the day of the birth. The birth was take place in a natural way but I
didn't get any labour pains . In the hospital they gave me some medicine to
induce the labour, but still nothing.
Suddenly all the hospital staff around me became hectic, the heart beat of my
son was not right, my unborn sons was in foetal distress Within minutes they had
taken me to the Operating Room. I started to cry. I was so afraid. They had
given me a drug and I fell in an other world not knowing if my son would be
alive when I awoke In my whole life I have never felt such felt such fear before.
But as I awoke someone put my son in my arms and said: " He is ok, he is healthy………"
I will never forgot this moment for as long as I live.
Maurice small and light (46 cm and 2130g) and his skin was a little bit dry, but
they told me this was not so bad. We must stayed 10 days in hospital because we
couldn't go home before Maurice reached a weight of 2500 grams.
The first month ran "normal". Maurice progressed well and I was calmer. I then
began the search for a good child physician but only because of the usual
investigations but it proved not to be an easy task. The first Doctor wanted to
inoculate Maurice against everything in the world. When I voiced my concerns and
said "NO" to him he became very unfriendly and abrupt. The second Doctor was
very friendly ( but not very competent as it was to turn out later ).
When Maurice was 9 months old but he didn't want to crawl or anything similar.
But the Doctor said:" One child earlier one child later………" When he was 10
months old we took Maurice to the hospital with suspicion of pneumonia. Maurice
had a 40° fever and was totally at the end of his forces. The Doctor in the
hospital said to me: "Something is wrong with Maurice!"
WHAT DID THIS DOCTOR WANT FROM ME????? Now when Maurice was so ill. Naturally I
didn't want to hear that - finally my child physician said he was alright. My
child was declared "healthy" and we want home.
Short after this time I suffered a stroke and was hospitalised in Intensive Care
Unit. During this time my husband Peter had to take Maurice to the child Doctor
for further tests and investigation. Suddenly he said "Something is wrong with
Maurice." For Peter this was a dreadful time as he didn't know what would happen
with or to me, as well as having to try and tell me something was not right with
Maurice. Maurice was now 1 year old and still couldn't run or crawl yet. We took
him to a patient gymnastic therapy where Maurice was treated according to "Voita".
From the beginning I was against this treatment as my child cried and cried and
my heart tore apart each mile we drove there. But I was still far from being my
"normal" self and was still not as healthy as I would have liked. So my husband
said we must continue this treatment.
We took Maurice to hospital yet again where they did many tests but still no
answer to what was wrong with our son. Maurice was a good child but still small
and ill.
By a lucky coincidence I had heard about a good physical excerise program and on
the same day I called them and left the by now much hated "Voita" practice.
Maurice made a little progress - only a little bit but even that was an enormous
success in our eyes.
I heard then from a good Doctor and changed my sons child Doctor again. On the
first meeting with the new Doctor I cried - finally there was someone who wanted
to help me. Then we were in other hospitals in other cities - but still no
results or answers as to what was wrong with our Maurice.
The "best" was a Clinic in Munich. We came to this Hospital and on the first day
met with the Doctor. He looked at Maurice and said "Forget it ! He will never be
better......" After 2 weeks in Munich the Doctor could not say what was wrong
with our son. On this day I was sitting with other parents in a room and the
Doctor said " Bye, hope to see you again." And all I said was " Never !! " and
the Doctor wanted to know why. So I told him that no-one could tell a despairing
mother the words that he had said to me on the first day. That was our time in
Munich !!!
Later in yet another Hospital they did Gene Tests - still with no results as to
what was wrong with our Maurice.
Unfortunately I also learnt that all the friends I had in my life ( and that was
many ) were gone. Some without a word ( that was hard but ok) but I can't
understand the other friends which gave us fault or had said hateful words. But
I also learned another side of friends - here on the Internet I have met so many
nice people.
Maurice is now a day patient in the Gymnastics program and Linguistics as we
continue our search for a Clinic that can help us.
For this reason this Web Site was developed.
Maurice is now 4 and 1/2 years old and I am hoping I can find other parents that
have had similar problems or find nice people with good ideas for us. Any help
or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe Dolphin Therapy can help but that is very expensive. I had the story about
Maurice here in a newspaper and had hoped some people will help us with a little
bit money, but no results.
Then I have written to many peoples and firms and have had only one result -
this website. Mr Scholz wrote to me and said that he will make the Web Site for
Maurice , we give many thanks for this kindness from Mr Scholz.
And a nice lady from the Internet in Australia ( Kathy) helped me to write all
this in English.
We wait of an exact date from Dolphin-HumanTherapy now and then we will fly out
and hope they can help Maurice.
I will keep you up to date on everything ! 
Part 2:
Hello everyone,
This is another report on Maurice`s condition,
He has just celebrated his fifth birthday and this past year has been busy.
As of yet we haven´t found a doctor that can give us a diagnosis and we feel
It is so hard for parents to go what we are going through, if it was just a
toothache your child had, you wish you had it yourself instead of your child
suffering with it ,,but you know you can´t and the doctor will fix
We are still trying to find a doctor that will fix Maurices problem. We are
still looking ....
Now, for some good news,,
On May 14 ,we drive to Antalya for the first dolphin therapy, and ,,a
message from Florida, USA. They have given us a date at November 22.
Naturally ,we are hoping for the best for Maurice and that he will make a
significant difference in him...
We have come to realize that Maurice will never have a normal life, but our
only wish is that he will come to understand what it is like to laugh and
feel happy, learn to play and run in the grass even, maybe someday to
express himself with speech ,which is just taken for granted by others. We
will keep you up to date with the therapy..
Now, more reality.
Something that is close to my heart, is the outpouring of help and kindness
from everyone by unbelievable donations and help offered by various
organizations and great people which took me totally by surprise..
My husbands employer Welser has contributed generous donations, that made it
a lot easier for us to attain our wishes to Mr Welser and all employee. Also
the IPA (International Police Association) and many others have shown us
that there are miracles in the world with their generosity and
To you all, We want to thank you for your understanding and compassion from
the bottom of our hearts....
Now, we have more great news:
Maurice is still going to the Welfare Educational kinder garden and is
showing progress. He is starting to laugh at some things which fills
my heart with joy, and gives me such a great feeling of knowing
that he does comprehend some things..
Naturally we know it is going to take a long time and we are anticipating
just what will come next in his development ,even though it slow ,,but I see
small bits of progress everyday as I look in his eyes and see he is more and
more alert.
I think I also see the devil in his eyes also when he knows he can do things
and get away with them more so with me than with his father and I have to
laugh at that...
These little things he does are reasons I live for ,simple things that
others take for granted. And with every new thing he does, makes us want to
fight harder for his welfare ,and being a mother, I will take it to the
limit whatever that is, and thanks to all of you, it is possible.
Lots of times when I felt really depressed I just had to go Maurices website
and see the love ,advice and donations given by so many great people, and
for that, I thank you again..
I know it is going to be a long road with many hills, but with strong hope
and determination, we will get there...
That is all for now, thanks for all your help.....we will tell you about the
therapy in Turkey as soon as we get back....
Thanks for making miracles happen!!!
Hello Everyone,,
This is an update on our trip to Turkey with Maurice and to let you know
what happened.
This was the first dolphin therapy that he has had ,and our expectations
were high. Maurice was sick with a fever for three days when we first
arrived and it was terrible for us.
Guelcan Savas was the nurse there and she was fantastic with him and helped
us through our bad time,, doing everything she could to make us at ease and
getting whatever Maurice needed to combat his illness.
The hotel in which we stayed wasn,t very good ,,as it wasn,t meant to handle
anyone that was handicapped,,We had to take maurice around in a wheelchair
and there were no ramp ,the elevator was too small for the chair ,,Peter and
I,,,and the shower stalls were so small that,there wasn,t any room to
maneuver Maurice around to wash him right.
The hotel left a lot to be desired ,but the staff was great there ,and we
can,t compliment them enough. We had to cross the street to get to the the
beach across from the hotel,,
the traffic was really bad and you took your life in your own hands risking
to cross it ,,there were no lights or crosswalks there and the traffic was
moving really fast,,then we had to try to get the wheelchair up over the
curb ,which was high..
Maurice was feeling better when the first session with the dolphins
started,,but then we had more problems as the diving suits they had were
much to small for Maurice,but the doctor insisted that things go ahead as
they planned and forced him into it having to twist his arms at difficult
angles to get him in..He was screaming and crying in pain,,and all this
while the doctor was forcing him,,and asked Peter and I to leave the site
where Maurice was ...I didn,t want to just leave him with a total stranger
that was hurting him. The doctor didn,t seem to have regard for Maurices
condition or the cold water and the strange animals he was about to see,,so
i asked if I could stay so he would have a friendly person there...but i
wasn,t allowed,,and it broke my heart to leave him in that situation ,,knowing
what was going to happen.
The two dolphins,as well as the two coaches,Sinem and Koray were already in
the pool,but there was nothing they could do for Maurice as he was being
forced to be in a strange place with strange people and animals around him
forcing him to do things he didn,t understand..It was a disaster....To end
that day we had to go to family therapy ,in which the doctor told us what he
was going to do the next day,and i knew it was going to end the same
way..with poor Maurice going through another day of hell.
The next day was more comfortable for Maurice ,,as the diving suit had
shorter sleeves in the arms and wasn,t so tight...Once again ,,the doctor
wanted us to leave Maurice alone with him,,,We knew what the outcome would
be as he was already screaming ,,so the day had ended like the day before....
The next day the doctor allowed me to stay with Maurice and had a diving
suit in which i wore to go into the pool..Maurice was sitting at the pools
edge and i couldn,t get him to feel comfortable enough even to put his feet
in the water,,
Maurice loves bathing over everything ,,but there wasn,t any
way he was going to go near the dolphins,,,as the whole experience was quite
traumatic on him..Sinem and Koray tried to make the experience as pleasant
as they could ,,,but for maurice ,the whole experience was a nightmare,,as
it was started all wrong...
the next day,,we tried it again,,and Maurice was in an agitated state,,but
he was getting more braver,,but still afraid,,he still cried ,,but we found
him getting a bit more accustomed to it with me in the pool,and we didn,t
want to force him to do anything or it would ruin the advancement we had
made on that day...and we thought the next day might be the one where he
would get used to the dolphins..
The next day Maurice was at the pool with the two dolphins,,Moby and Fila
and the therapist Korey,,,i was there ,,but maurice was getting hoarse from
all the crying,,,and though we had high hopes that he would become friendly
with the dolphins,,it was not meant to be...
The tenth day ,,Peter went in the pool to try to convince Maurice that is
was safe ,,but,to no avail,,it just wasn,t going to happen,,it was doomed
from the start,,if the doctor had of done things differently ,it may have
worked out a lot better than it did..
The therapy session was now ending and the doctor told me that Maurice had a
phobia with water and i should give him medicines to help him,,,,HE HAS
We did meet some great people there ,and some ,not so great,,
I would like to stay in touch with Guelcan,Sinem and Koray ,,for going out
of their way to make us feel very comfortable in a foreign country,,and we
will always have you in out hearts....
Now we set out hopes on a successful therapy in Florida USA in November
,,and pray that we will have a different outcome
Thanks for your thoughts and Prayers
Peter and Conny 
The second therapy session was to start on the 19th of
November, 2004. My nerves were strung so tightly, I prayed id not fall
apart, but curiosity, and my own fortitude were keenly keeping me tied to
the ground. Everything was packed, and by 7.00 am we were off to the airport.
If i had originally believed the flight would go smoothly, within a short
time Maurice convinced us of the opposite. He had, we thought, settled down
for a sleep. Three hours later he was roaring wildly, and so we passed the
rest of the flight.
Production and Gene FFS
We landed at Miami airport at 12.30 am German time. Ourselves and two other
families stood full of hope in front of the airport and were met by Karin,
who was in charge of family support. She explained that the rental cars had
yet to arrive. As the drivers pulled up to the gathered group, luggage was
loaded into the cars. We who were left sat exhausted at the entrance to the
airport. Maurice had calmed somewhat, but was yet to make anything like a
good impression. By 1am, the drivers returned to pick up their human cargo
but it was 2 am by the time we reached what was to be our home for the next
two weeks, the Kawama Tower. Exhausted, we fell into our beds, and the
welcoming arms of slumber.
Maurice awoke at 3 am American time, i had hoped he would have slept longer,
but that was not to be the case. I was glad the weekend lay before us and
thus, worried less about his lack of sleep. With my time i had not made any
immediate, huge plans, and so i used the time to calm myself with meditative
thought. The accommodation could not bear up to comparison with Turkey. Key
Largo was totally different. The dwelling we had been allocated had an
atmosphere of well-being. We had two days all to ourselves before the first
day of therapy began, and we decided to use the time for shopping, strolling,
and generally relaxing. The start of the therapy quickly was upon us and we
drove to the therapy center with Maurice not in a good mood...and then we
tightened the dive suit on his little body. Though he only wore a vest and
trousers, it was all Nicole (the Therapist) and Sabine (the Practitioner)
could do to get him into it and secured within.
The musical greeting with Dr Jack McIntosh followed. All the children sat
with their therapists and listened as Dr Jack let the guitar ring out, which
Maurice did not enjoy. Then came the water. Maurice cried in fright at each
noise. Alfonz (the dolphin) was sweet, but he didn't interest Maurice in the
slightest, who by now could hardly calm down, and still cried, even though
he was fully prepared for the therapy.
Later, following the therapy, Nicole explained to us that the goal was to
take to Maurice past the fear and phobia since this would block him. If they
succeeded, his receptiveness would be substantially improved and Maurice
could learn anew.
Then came the first meeting with Dr. Dave Nathanson who's well known
reputation preceded him far over national borders in his capacity in the
area of the dolphin therapy. In addition he was pleasantly, charmingly and
easy to get along with. After a short description of my concerns,telling him
that Maurice found the animals for the moment a punishment and did not
regard them in the light of a reward. Dr. Dave tried to calm me down and
explained that that will change! The next day, a new attempt was made, but
Maurice blocked exactly the instant, the neoprene suit was tightened. An
infinite shouting began, which did not diminish on the therapy platform. All
attempts of Nicole and Sabine to divert him with play failed. We hoped that,
if only he could get in the water the situation would get better! We had to
try it and trust in it. His arms bent, so that he could stop us from getting
him into the water, with the accompaniment of his cries, and the tears
flowed incessantly. Although I would gladly have intervened, my heart was
heavy and became heavier, i knew that nevertheless this would have been
wrong. All my hopes and expectations shrank.
But all of a sudden the resistance became smaller. With immense joy I saw,
how his arms lowered themselves easily. Each small step was a step forward!
As Alfonz, Maurices therapy dolphin came, hearing Maurice cry, he simply
swam within Maurices range of vision, seemingly as though to keep his crying
to a minimum. Maurice had learnt that the dolphins werent going to hurt him,
and a small germ of trust had started growing between Alfonz and Maurice,
the latter starting to calm slowly, his feelings constantly changing as he
regarded the dolphins. Although Maurice was still crying, only time and the
increase of his confidence would allow him any contact. Maurice did not want
to calm this day either and still he cried.
The 6th therapy turned out to be clearly too much for Maurice's nerves. he
cried his lungs out and nothing was achievable. But no one was more
surprised when Maurice was again calm directly following the therapy, no
tears, no further shouting. Time had been the therapist, and we had to be
patient for it to work. How many surprises were we entitle to? Maurice
participated again in the greeting round and it seemed to me like a miracle,
today he even liked the music. Would he remain this way? i could have jumped
for joy, indescribably huge was my happiness. The neoprene suit was put on
and tightened and Maurice remained calm, no crying even in the water, and
just a few nerves now and then which left quickly. Alfonz was close. In the
past days I had missed the brightness of my child's eyes, but now the
brightness was renewed, his eyes radiated! After so long this was one
successful day. We approached the next few days in the same way, I was also
happy because Melissa was present taking photos, and Maurice showed his
"best side". More important than the photo opportunities were the attempts
made by Maurice to Alfonz to reach out to him. So much had happened in the
past few days, so many milestones, successes, though nevertheless, my fears
remained. Real or imagined? I wasn't sure.
We entered into the 9th day of therapy with joy, a joy which seized Maurice
also as soon as he saw Alfonz, his small hands clapping and he laughing, it
seemed nearly unbelievable as he reached for his animal friend on his own.
If i had to describe now what Alfonz sounded like, i would say he was
laughing: laughing along with my son.
So many times we had reached for hope only to have our hopes dashed. With
Alfonz, our disappointments now yielded excitement. Nicole patience and the
love for an animal triumphed. Would that this dream could go on, our desires
being fulfilled though unfortunately it all came to an end much too fast.
Tomorrow, briefly before the end, another therapist would come. Hopefully
this change would have small consequence if any for Maurice. This was the
10th (and last) therapy day and immediately my fears were proven. The
therapy today was totally different and Maurice wasn't going along with it!
He cried and cried. I wonder, would Alfonz feel this change? Yes! The animal
refused to cooperate. It went every which way but right! This change lost
for us our last day of hope, something we couldn't not have foreseen nor one
the Dolphin therapy could change.
Lots of packing and clearing up began and on the following day we drove to
the airport. The return flight began and although it was crowded, Maurice
kept himself brave (though i was glad when the flight was nearing its end).
We had a beautiful time, and it brought something special to Maurice. Little
things build themselves like mosaic stones, onto old patterns, things that
are slightly different now to before the therapy. It was a thing of beauty
to watch my child become livelier, to seize the next level as best he could.
Although it was a journey of extreme efforts, everything was worthwhile. I
would like to thanks the whole Dolphin/Human therapy team, in particular
Nicole and Sabine. I cannot possibly put words to what i feel in my heart,
so i can only say a huge heartfelt thanks that myself, my husband and my son
could be part of your program. The organisation of Dolphinaid team, grateful
thanks for all your arrangements, planned and organised fantastically.
I became acquainted with families, which just like us, had hopes and dreams
in the Florida setting. Thus I hope that these contacts will remain and an
exchange of further course is possibly continued! Who knows, perhaps we will
meet sometime again! To help my child is my greatest desire and I take
gladly all loads on me. Sometimes I wish not to have this burden, but then i
see love in Maurices face and realise that all effort is worthwhile.

Its time again to report about Maurice. - There was no new
Dolphin therapy, no great events happened but I want to report how the
"normal" life is. Six months after Florida, now I can tell you the therapy
has helped a little bit. I had hoped they could bring us a little bit more
success. But its a big difference between what a mother wishes and what is
the reality. Its a long and heavy way and this way to go is so heavy. I
think that each mother who has a child - and especially an ill child - knows
what I mean.There are the "normal" things on a weekday which make me
sometimes think I can“t get over all these problems.
They start certanly in the morning......5.15 am my day starts because I must
be ready before Maurice wakes up at 6.30 am. So I jump under the shower and
then I make Maurice breakfast. That is the first point which brings me to
incandescense......everyone with a child knows what has to be done in the
morning but if the child is handicapped you must do all for the child, I
mean I must wash him, feed him, make patient gymnastic and and and....but
its necesssary that Maurice wakes up so early because at 7.30 am the taxi
comes which takes the children to the kindergarden. I ask myself in all
seriousness why the beginning of the kindergarden is not later...9 am or so?
Maurice is years old and it`s a little bit easier for him to stand up so
early (although I find it not good yet) but can you understand what a
present it was when he was 3 years old? When Maurice is in kindergarden,
normal everyday life for a housewife begins;..washing,.. ironing,..
cooking...shopping....however everyone knows this. Always the phone is near
in case something happens with Maurice. My thoughts all around
Maurice......"what is he doing?"...."Is he ok?"...."God I hope he doesn“t
have an attack?" If the telephone rings I’ m scared each time that it will
be “something wrong with Maurice." The thoughts are not completely so wrong
because sometimes I must drive to the kindergarden and carry Maurice home
but most of the time the educators can help him. At 2.30 pm the little man
is back. Then he wants to play and he needs my attention. It`s so funny to
see when he laughs; when he makes a battleground in the living room..
Maurice takes everything out of the play crate whether he needs it or not.
He sometimes turns on the carpet and comes to places he would like to reach.
These are the moments in which I feel I am lucky.Sometimes my thoughts go
into the future when Maurice grows up. How long can I still lift him? What
will the future bring? My own handicap limits me too much also, as there is
only so much I can do because of it. That is the point where I am desperate.
Who will help Maurice when I die? This question comes so often in my mind.
My husband can`t do it all alone. All these thoughts make me very sad. How
much can a human bear? I ask myself often but I don´t know the answer. After
all the disasters which have happened in my life, I have had said to
me,“more bad can´t come now", but so far I must say that is not true and the
next desaster has knocked on my door.. Dispite all this, the birth of
Maurice was one of the most beautiful instances in my life. I observe the
little man, if he laughs he radiates his whole face and I know that we will
do the best in this situation. I have my source of strength everything is
worth it when I see Maurice.
Now the next crucial turning point comes for Maurice. The kindergarden ends
and schooltime will start. I have a bad feeling everything around him will
be new and strange to him.
Only one other boy from the kindergarden will be going to the same school
and all the others are strangers to him. For me naturally also because I
have my problems because Maurice is "pushed away" for so long a time. From
7.30 am to 4 pm (+ transfer time) and there is my "old" problem again........a
6 year old child all day long. Which first grader has to submit his mother
to a timetable? Sometimes I have the feelings that obstructed pushed away.
Unfortunately, I don`´t have alternatives in our proximity so I must go this
way because we have compulsory schooling. Perhaps you can understand why I
can´t make friends myself under such conditions.
Perhaps I am too sensitive in addition. I must wait and will see what will
Since we will start a new dolphin therapy in December and you will hear
about it next year. Please cross your fingers for us that the therapy (this
time in Curacao) will help us.
Greetings from Conny 
Unfortunately I am late reporting about our last visit to
the Dolphin Therapy in December 2005 in Curacao
Before it took place we had a huge problem to solve. How could we organise
the transfer to Amsterdam Airport? It was a bigger problem than I had
imagined, as the journey with our own car was not possible.
The other option was the train,but that was out of the question, due to the
lack of connections.Then, by chanceI found " AKTION 2000 " and all my
worries were gone.
Should you ever want to help this Aktivity then please look at their
Mr Ruhloff, who organised our journey arrived up to time on the 9.12.2005.
He was very nice and made the journey to Amsterdam amusing and pleasant.
Thank you all in "AKTION 2000 " then without your help our journey would
have been very difficult!
After successfully getting through the enormous Amsterdam Airport and
security we sat impatiently on our seats in the plane.
We landedabout 22.15 (german time) and eventually close to 2 o'clock we were
in bed in our Hotel.....an overnight stop but we did not care.
Next morning we awoke early and spent some time discovering our
wherabouts.Then we were taken to our Flat, after which we continued our tour
of the area and the pleasurable prospect for the coming weekend. Maurice was
so brave the whole time and I was so proud of him.
It is Monday 12.12.05 and at last it is time for the therapy.
First of all we get to know the therapists, Mandy and the trainee Maren who
are responsible for Maurice.Both of them are very nice and wish to know what
we expect from the therapy. We explain that we are looking for improvement
in his fine motor skills.
The girls then take Maurice to the therapy rooms to begin with the exercises.
These have to be done every time before swimming with the Dolphins. 15
minutes later Mandy and Maren accompany Maurice to the pool. Even here in
Curacao most children wear neopren costumes in the water but as I have
experience I bought Maurice swimming trunks and a light reflective top so
getting changed did not prove a problem this time.
Maurice did not look too happy as he was on the therapy platform and he
moaned. We were stood opposite watching all. Mandy decided to go straight
into the water and not bother with any exercises. Nemo the dolphin was
waiting for Maurice and greeted him accordingly with a kiss, but Maurice
remained stubborn and continued to moan.
The fact that no tears were actually shed results in a success.
Once Maurice was changed and back with us again, his good mood made us
optimistic that the therapy will go well.
We are at the next day and it really is all going better. Maurice is still
occasionally moaning but when Nemo appears and gives him a kiss he has to
laugh. Altogether Maurice appears to be very relaxed and concentrates on
Mandy. She is also very pleased with the way he interacts with her.
Mandy uses picture cards as well which Maurice should recognise but at the
moment he does not know what to do with them, but lets see how it progresses.
It is now wednesday the 14.12.05 and todays therapy goes
even better than we expected. Maurice is totally relaxed and laughing. The
only remaining problem is the water.......why is it so wet? He does not like
that very much, but his face lights up when he sees Nemo, so much so its
hard for me to put it into words.Maurice takes part very well and Mandy is
impressed. Thursday comes and this time all is perfect, even he
water.Maurice is just a happy boy and enjoys being pulled through the water
by Nemo.He is trying very hard and deliberately goes to grip the rings that
Mandy offers him. Allowing his hand to be guided and with Mandy's help he
laid the rings over Nemo's nose or took them back off. We have a
breakthrough and are very relieved.
Then its friday, everything started well, Maurice and Mandy go into the
water laughing, but then a huge scare. Nemo was to give Maurice another kiss
but this time it was more like a blow to the chin. We were shocked. Maurice
began to whine, but Mandy reacted immediately and let Nemo pull her and
Maurice through the water.............believe it or not, after two rounds of
the pool still whining, he had to laugh again and it was all forgotten. We
are so relieved. Later we find out that both Mandy and Maren got quite a
The next therapy started after the weekend. In the therapy
rooms Maurice was all the time angry. Close by the water Maurice was
ill-humured too but when Mandy was gone with him into the water he laughed
all the time. This day Mandy tried that Maurice pedal with his legs in the
water and really he tried that sometimes. Accident? The day was only
On the next day when Mandy was with Maurice in the water again and Nemo drew
them both through the water Maurice saw suddenly us. That was the first time
that he had noticed us. Always when they swam in near us he tried to see us
so long that was possible. Mandy was surprised too. The therapy session was
very good. Maurice had much fun and tried to cover all his exercises.
Now the next to the last therapy day started and we have had the
possabillity to came into the close to the platform because we could take
some photos. But in the same second when Maurice had seen us it was not
possable to make a therapy with him because he twist and contort oneself to
see us all the time. So we went away and all was ok again.
22. December 2005 - the last therapy day
Maurice worked so good even with the picture cards. He enjoyed all moments
and we could tell that he knew that he had his last day with Nemo. Mandy did
big circles and Nemo pulled the both through the water and Maurice could not
have enough. He want more and more and more..........but that was not
Now it was time to say good bye. At first there was Mandy and Maren. Then
the unique dolphin trainer Rudolf, his charm is a little bit hard to find
but unmistakable exciting is...lol. And all the employers from the team and
of course Cedrike, a very nice man from the security. All this people we
want to say thanks.
Then came the 23. December and the return journey started. The flight was
also a disaster. Maurice had cried all the time and must pluck. But we
survived that too.
When we was in Amsterdam again Mr Ruhloff had waited and drove us home. Now
we must wait what the therapy had bring about.But one thing we know already
- Maurice react beter.
I will let you know the news.
Now we was 2 month back from Curacao and Maurice had made
some progress.Maurice reacted much better and his motor activity was better
But the biggest surprise was when he said first time "Mom". I meant I had
understood that wrong the first time. I meant that was an accident but than
Maurice said that all times. Peter and I had knew now that he meant me. We
was so happy. In the summer Maurice had started with the word "Ba" (he meant
Pa and that is for Papa=Daddy) and we knew that he meant Peter. Peter´s
pleasure was idescribable.
Maurice must go to school again. I tried to became a
personal helper for him. Maurice came sometimes back from school and when I
had put him out of the wheelchair I had found rest of his lunch under his
bottom and his trousers were wet because the teacher´s had not one extra
time to put Maurice out of his wheelchair and to change his pampers. What
can I tell you now? The care in the school was bad although I could prove
that all the relevant office said he cant become an personal helper because
the teacher in th school had said Maurice dont need a helper - they said the
care in school is perfect!!! That was a joke............ How can I ask the
teacher if the teacher care bad about the child?? If I am to stupid or is
that all not to understand?
But in the new schoolyear Maurice had the new school time. Maurice will have
after the holidays teaching from 8 am - 1 pm . We hoped that Maurice wwoul
not be so tired when he came home from school.
But before the new school year started we enjoyed the
holiday´s. But the holidays ended so fast and the school started again.
Maurice felt so good with the new teaching time. Suddenly we
had have a consistent child. We had still the ride therapy and music therapy
friday´s but now we could do that all so much easier. Maurice could sleep
Admittedlyit didnt chang that all the bad care situation in school.
The new school year was only 2 weeks old when my phone rang and the doctor
from the school was on the phone. He said to me Maurice has had an accident
but he has had luck because all is ok with him. BUT..............
I can´t speak about that all now becuse we make a process for the court.
But Maurice accident was very very bad and we can thank God that he had
survive that all. I will tell you all later.
We mustnow thank two special people. That is Dr. Selic and Dr. Gelis and I
can´t tell you what I feel for both of the men. They had both operated
Maurice and had did a great job. Maurice at the moment is in the
rehabilatation and we dont know what will happen. Please pray for us. When I
know more I will let you know.
Now we have September 2007 and so much was happend.
On 24. Aug. 2006 the accident had happened and all had changed for us now.
Maurice was in school when they wanted to change his pampers. When he was on
the table he felt down on the floor. I had told you all that the school had
said he had have luck. They told me he felt down but the helper had hold him
in the last second around his hips and so he fell only on his bottom. When
they called me to give a report about the accident they said to me, all is
ok but Maurice cried. They wanted know if I come to the school to carry him
home or if I wanted to wait and Maurice will come home with the schoolbus.
I said I will come because I could hear him crying in the background.. 30
min. later I was in the school and they gave me my crying child but they
tried to soothe me.
On the way to our home Maurice stopped crying. When we was at home I put
Maurice in our bed and I was always close by. Maurice slept fast and I was a
little bit soothed again. What a mistake!!!! 90 minutes later he wanted to
vomit. I cleaned the bed and than I called his doctor and told him what was
happend. He said to me when ha fell down of his bottom is it possible that
he have a concussion. He said I must wait and when we mean its better to
drive into a hospital we could drive. Short time later Maurice vomited again
and we drove in the same instance to the hospital because I was afraid. When
we arrived at the hospital with Maurice in Peter´s arms a doctor saw us,
came and took Maurice in his arms and run away. He said not much to us.
Peter and I looked confused. We was baffled - that was "only" a concussion
why was the docor so afraid? 30 minutes later an other doctor came to us and
said we must sit down. I was afraid. He told us Maurice is in this moment in
the operating room and the doctor´s will do what they can do but they mean
he will die! He had a skull fracture and his brain is full with blood.
NO!!!! Thats not possible! He can´t die! He fell only on his bottom! He
can´t die and when he must die I will go with him. They lie or make a
mistake!.......All that was so unreal I meant I was an actor in a film. We
wait over five hours. horror, panic, endless fear changed always. I had
never known before how much tears one person can have. Than a doctor came to
us and said Maurice is in the intensive care unit. But he said also we must
not have to much hope. The change that survive the night is max. 1:99.
When I saw my baby with all the machines around him and with the big bandage
around his head started for me the time where I was only existing. I was
mechanical all in an unreal world. My baby must fight and I invited and
pleaded him on, spoke with him and cried. Peter was so shocked too. Maurice
survived the night but they said to us we didn´t make to much hopeless. We
drove home because we need a shower and we must tell Peter´s mother what was
happened and we couldn´t do that on phone. When we was short time in our
flat the phone rang and we must drive back to the hospital because Maurice
was in the operating room again. His brain has swollen so much that they
must take out a piece of his top of the skull. They put the piece unter his
stomach skin because they want to put that piece back later again.
Maurice was fighting again and we must wait again. I heard always the beeps
from the apparatus, looked always to his vital signs, l became anxious when
something was wrong. That was so a hard time and we dont know at this moment
that the next horror will come.
After ten days Maurice came in the university hospital in Essen. They wanted
to make him a shunt and do his piece of his top of the skull back. All was
ok for the operation and than came the proffesor!!!! "What do u want from
us? Let ur child die! We will give him something that he has no
pain!.......what will happen with him when you die one day?!" I try to
explain it times in such a way, I am revved up. The professor wanted that we
leave his hospital and take Maurice into an other hospital. We had much
trouble but at last Maurice stay in the hospital and they operated on him
without the professor. Then we came back to the hospital in Hagen. The
people there were great and we was there until the 29. Sept. Than we came to
the rehabiltation unit at the hospital in Hattingen. The time was not easy
but Maurice made little progresses. Admittedly they did not want to make
Maurice a shunt because they meant he will never learn to eat again but we
said no. Maurice learnt to eat again - we started with baby porridge.
He became to therapy and step by step we saw he made progress. Maurice was
not the same Maurice now - he was so afraid. All sounds made him fear and he
cried all the time. He laid only on his back it was him not possible to roll
around. He had physical therapy and that helped a little little bit. We was
in January 2007 into the rehabilation but than the insurance from the school
said he was ill before he had have the accident. Its good enough now we dont
pay longer. I was so shocked about this treatment beneath human dignity. How
could they say he is ok now? They didnt know him before!And now they meant
only I lie!
Maurice was not possible to turn around so he need a special bed now. I had
hoped the bed is delivered when we come home because they said that in the
hospital. And they said to we will have a helper. But the insurance from
school said again "We dont pay that - he was ill before. They had a fight
with our health insurance.
In May I was at the end of my strength. I called the health insurance and
told them that I must have the bed now and they could fight with the other
insurance but that was not my problem.The health insurance said that they
will deliver the bed in 2 weeks and really two weeks later we had the bed.
The nights when I must stand up 5 - 7 times was now in the past. Ok I must
stand up 2-3 times now but thats so much better Maurice made further
progress was not so much afraid now and didnt cry all times. All was a
little bit easier but not good.
Now we do exercises every day and I hope that will help.All what we do must
we do alone but its normal for us now.
In the meantime we received the rejecting answer from the national accident
cash. They communicate to us in the fact that they will bear no more cost
starting from the day of the dismissal from the hospital.
On the other hand we naturally also proceed, we have otherwise also nothing
to do. Against the school also a procedure runs. Now the accused person,
then stated it would have said to me that Maurice had fallen on his head.
But times honestly, which school calls a mother and says: Your child has
fallen from a meter height with full force on the head please-come please
and carry him home?All halfway functioning understanding nevertheless then
would arrange that the child would come immediately into a hospital and then
informed about it and ordered the mother into the hospital. But no matter,
perhaps I am also only too stupid and cannot not reconstruct that all.
Which will now come remains to be waiting. It is important that Maurice
makes further progress. We love this small man so much and everything for
him we would do. It gave some, few humans who again we to thank would like:
Dr. Gelis, Dr. Secer, the sisters on the intensive care unit, station 4a in
Hattingen (completely particularly nurse Sonja and Nadine) and naturally our
mothers, which suffered the whole time with us and all us to have assisted.
Now it is October '08 and so much has occurred this year.
Maurice was a different child after the accident. Apart from the fact that
his physical constitution had worsened dramatically, he was different in his
mental constitution. We were afraid to make any kind of noise. We couldn't
cough or sneeze in case he would cry. I could not vacuum or use the washing
machine while he was awake. Everything had to be perfectly quiet. The
pressure was enormous for all of us. But we did not give up and tried again
and again to accustom Maurice to certain noises. We tried surprising him
with certain noises even though he wouldn't settle immediately. He needed to
learn that he
was not unsafe, that nothing was going to happen to him. But each day the
fear would be apparent within him. It was not easy for us and often tore
into my heart, but Maurice learned day after day and this encouraged me to
keep going. Naturally there were the physical therapies and we practiced
these every day at home and away from home twice weekly. Everything brought
sucesses but not the long hoped for ones. The spasticity, which maurice had
after the accident, did not disappear so easily. His left arm still remains
bent, but at least he can relax his fingers now from time to time, and his
hand does not constantly cramp into a fist.
Whether he can still grasp is still uncertain, but I will not give up. There
were also other setbacks. One of them was the legal procedure against the
school. The pubilic prosecutor who was responsible for this issue left the
district unfortunately and the issue came to another person. I
called them in order to enquire how it was progressing. Unfortunately the
prosecutor was unhappy with his increased workload and he told me that in
mail i was yet to receive it would be explained that the procedure had been
investigated and the school would not be held accountable!
I cried for two hours with rage and disappointment as I tried to understand
it, though I did not succeed. The public prosecutor meant that the physican
at the school would have told us that if Maurice was injured worse than he
had been the physician would have contacted us.
The Public Prosecutor meant that the physician at the school would have told
us if Maurice was more badly injured, the child physician would have
contacted us. The point we made was that Maurice was neverthless slammed on
the head and badly injured! The public prosecuter also said that the girl
who was responsible for Maurice could also not be sued as nothing had been
concealed. Everything was totally opposite to the what I had been told!!!!
As we could not prove otherwise, we were stalled. We had no other options
open to us. That was it then. Our lawyer advised us against further action.
I hoped it would be the final disaster. I looked to the future and to a new
school for Maurice. I called the Education office and asked for an
appropriate alternative school. The woman I spoke to stonewalled us telling
us that another school was not an option. The school he was at was the only
one for him in this district. Maurice had to go back there. I was so shocked
and explained that Maurice would never go back there for fear he would be
hurt further. In addition I was told that they could impose penalties and
force me to send Maurice there. I was incredibly shocked. My rage was
indescribable and as soon as the phone call finished I wrote a long letter
to the responsible district administration. I received directly a phone call
from them, a gentleman who understood the humanity of my situation but
needed to also understand the legalities as well. He took my case for me and
said he would help.
Before Christmas I received a call from the chief of the local education
office. We shall call her Mrs O. She had been contacted by the district
administration concerning the heartache of my case, the difficult
circumstances. Mrs O was very friendly and worried for me. She understood my
situation with the original school. It was well known that Maurice had
fallen and injured himself, but it had also been communicated to me by Mrs O
that the details had been rotated in such a way that left the school
blameless. I was so angry!!
I clarified everything for her and said that Maurice did not deserve to go
back there again. He needed to be safe. Mrs O suggested a Home Schooling
program in the mean time. Naturally this was a possibility, but I had a
difficult situation. Maurice went to music therapy and riding two days a
week, home schooled another two days already and he also received physical
therapy and ergonomic therapy. The remainder fo the time he would get his
other therapies from me anyway.
Mrs O thought this was magnificent. She said what a wonderful mother I was
and that I was doing with him all the things Maurice needed. She felt that
the need for a school in itself was not so acute with me doing all I did
with him, though the time would come when it would be.
In January I received a call from the rector of a school to which I would
give Maurice gladly. They had received a call from Mrs O, enquiring about a
place for Maurice. The rector of the school told me that he wanted to talk
to me regarding a position there for Maurice as soon as the district office
had finished all his application forms. The instructors there spoke to us
and it was agreed that we would visit class once in the week for two hours.
They wanted to watch Maurice to see if they could increase his time at
school. By the end of the easter holidays Maurice was attending every day,
though still for only two and a half hours each day. This method of
integration worked well for Maurice and he responded very well to being
among other children. It wasn't easy, so hard for him to become reacostomed
to the situation. He was still worried that something would happen to him,
but this worry diminished slowly. Quickly time passed and soon the summer
holidays had begun. We found that in the new school year Maurice would be
changing classes, which wasn't as difficult as we imagined. The new school
year brought more integration challenges though it all started very
Maurice has fitted into the new class well. This has aided his recovery and
we love what it has done for him. At the moment it is Autumn holidays, but
after the holidays we try more challenges for him. Maurices daily school
hours have been increased to four and a half hours now.
We hope his improvements continue wellOh god the time run so fast. Now we have May 2010 and two years I had not
wrote about news. In addition, it came still that this side was longer time
off-line. But now I will start and report again.
At first: Maurice feel good. He is a sweet little boy and showed us
all that it can go ever further. Now I want come to the new parts of his
When the autumn holidays 2009 were terminated and the normal school day
started again, Maurice was fast in his rhythm again. He enjoyed the time and
with Tülin as integration strength was that easy. She helped him whenever he
need her. Maurice felt well and also his healthiness made further, small
progress. The Spastik in his left arm was still and I thought already that would
be to be never change. Then I read that the use of Botox was possible in these
cases, even if successes could not be guaranteed. The probability of improvement
was with approximately 30%. Only I was surprised, because Botox I brought
naturally - like most - with cosmetic surgery in connection, but now I know
more; Botulinum (Botox) had been used in the humanly medicine and then only the
“side effect” for cosmetic surgery discovered. Butnow to Maurice again; with his
first application we had already good success. His small fist let suddenly open
again and with daily exercises we received the first destination. His hand was
relaxed again. Now we work on the fact that the wrist and the crook of the arm
become also still better. The Spastik, which more or less concerns Maurice
entire left body half, caused however also the Maurice torso was constantly to
the left bent. The result of this false attitude shifted us the next
shock. Despite intensive patient gymnastic, Maurice had became a Skoliose
(spinal column curvature) has itself developed.I try day by day my best and
hope to help Maurice. The necessarily patient gymnastic, for him meant that
many tears flowed and will probably still flow, but we can see the first the
first successes. So we must make further and hope that further improvements will
adjust themselves. In the summer 2009 Tülin had left us, what made us all sad,
but that meant also that the summer holidays started. We enjoyed the time,
only our trip to the eastsee we must canceled because Peter had broken his arm
one week before we had must start. The holidaytime run so fast and already
imagined Lena. She should Maurice in the new school year accompany and she was
curious what the new task would bring.Maurice felt good in the school again
very fast. I noticed very soon, how much he looked forward to the school. In the
morning, if I tightened him the jacket, he laughed and showed so his
anticipation. The daily schooltime is still shortened and so Maurice comes
home already at 12.30 o'clock, but it then already at its load limit arrived. I
am only very glad that he recovers relatively fast again. Then we drive again
to the Logopädie and Maurice had learnt much again. Now soon we will begin
there an intensive therapy , which meant that we must drive each day for four to
five hours to the Logopädie, but wehope and mean that will bring further
successes. Besides it takes only one week, to bear will be thus good. Naturally
I will report also on the fact and promise that it will very fast happen this
time. Up to then I say good-bye now. Until soon, Conny